See Rule 21.5.2 and Table 3.3 of the Bluebook for citation rules.
The Bluebook states, "Cite cases before the Court of Justice and the General Court to E.C.R., if therein. If not, cite to C.M.L.R. or to Common Mkt Rep. (CCH) or CEC (CCH) if therein, in that order of preference. Always provide a parallel citation to C.M.L.R., if possible; otherwise, provide parallel citation to Common Mkt. Rep. (CCH) or CEC (CCH)." Table 3.3, p. 426.
Note that the docket number of the case precedes the name of the case.
A docket number that starts with “C” is case before the Court of Justice.
A docket number that starts with “T” before the General Court (Formerly Court of First Instance).