Like the subject arrangement of the United States Code, the Directory of Legislation in Force provides access to laws currently in force by subject. The Directory includes all agreements, directives, regulations and decisions. The Directory also gives access to consolidated texts, which have no legal value but which integrate a basic instrument of European Union legislation with its subsequent amendments and corrections in a single text.
This directory is also published as part of the L Series of the Official Journal. This directory lists all legislation in force since 1952. Since many legislative acts have been modified over time, thedirectory groups the original acts and any modifying amendments together. Online, the directory is updated monthly and provided links to the texts of the acts. This is anexcellent starting place for relevant, current legislation by subject or alphabetically.
The Directory covers:
--agreements and conventions concluded by the Communities in connection with their external relations;
--binding secondary legislation (regulations, decisions, ECSC general decisions and recommendations, EEC/EC/Euratom directives) under the Treaties establishing the European Union and the European Communities, with the exception of day-to-day administrative acts;
--supplementary legislation, in particular decisions of representatives of the governments of the Member States meeting within the Council;
--certain non-binding acts considered by the institutions to be important.
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