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Research 101: The Health Sciences

Breakdown the research process and terminology and familiarize yourself with available resources, services, and tools to aid in health sciences research.

Databases at Creighton

Did you know that the University Libraries subscribe to 200+ research databases? We provide comprehensive information access to support our comprehensive programs and research interests. Check out the link below to access our full list of databases to get started on your search! (Hint: it makes a great browser bookmark.)

Another way to navigate to our list of Databases A-Z is by visiting the University Libraries homepage. In the center is our JaySearch widget which has a tab for our Databases A-Z. This list can also be found on our homepage under Quick Links where we provide shortcuts to our most popular resources and services.

Freely Available Databases & Tools

As a Creighton student, you have an information privilege that many clinics or organizations may not, meaning that not all the subscription databases will be available to you when you graduate and begin your practice. Below are tools that may be beneficial to get familiar with -- and compare to Creighton resources as part of developing your EBP skills -- to understand information access in a larger context.