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Scholar Profiles

Information on scholar/author profiles and identifiers.


Welcome to the Scholar Profiles guide. The suggested resources in this guide are to help you create and maintain your scholarly presence across various digital platforms. These profiles can help others find your works more easily and avoid confusion between duplicate names. An up-to-date scholar profile can set you up for success when applying to granting agencies who may require an author profile in the application process. Link your scholar profile identifer (similar to a URL or DOI) to your email signature, CV, resume, or other scholar profiles for easy access and promotion of your research interests and impacts.

Our Research & Instruction Librarians can help you create and update these profiles; schedule a consultation today! 

Workshop: Virtual Scholarly Identity

CFE x University Libraries Workshop: Virtual Scholarly Identity

Creating & Maintaining Your Online Presence

Curating your virtual scholarly presence allows you to increase your visibility as a researcher and clearly communicate about your works and research interests. Whether you are a student, emerging researcher, or seasoned scholar, digital research profiles can aid in distinguishing you from other researchers, network with readers and peers, attract collaborators, streamline funding processes, and create central access to your scholarship. In this workshop, we will walk through ORCID, ScienCV, Scopus Author Profile, and Google Scholar profile to demonstrate how these tools and platforms can best support your research needs and goals and to create a cohesive online scholar identity. 

By the end of this presentation, learners will be able to:  

Understand the importance of virtual scholarly profiles for research and funding.  

Identify tools, platforms, and resources available to create identifiers and biosketches.  

Create profiles and plan to maintain a cohesive virtual identity and presence.  


View the program recording using the Bridge website. Programs are recorded unless indicated otherwise. 


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