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This guide offers information on how to use ResearchWorks

Who Has a ResearchWorks Profile?

All full-time faculty who previously had assets in the PDMS, the CDR, or Pure have live profiles in ResearchWorks.

Full-time faculty who did not previously have assets in the PDMS, the CDR, or Pure may not yet have profiles live in ResearchWorks. This is in progress now and faculty will be notified by a library specialist when their profile is live.

Public Profiles

Creighton University researchers can Sign in to ResearchWorks to access their profile. You can find your profile URL by going to Edit Profile or Settings and then the My public profile link section:

Image of Public Profile link example


ResearchWorks profiles are linked to Creighton University. If you leave the University, we recommend logging in to your profile and exporting your works. 

If you have any questions or need assistance with your profile, please contact 

How Do I Manage My Public Profile?

A Researcher Profile can display an Overview about the researcher, research Output, Projects, and Activities. Researchers can use their profiles to generate an updated CV and to communicate with administrators. This training session shows researchers how to maintain and use their researcher profile.

How Do I Edit or Remove Works from my ResearchWorks Profile?

To edit or remove a work in your ResearchWorks profile, please contact us at

Note: Migrated data is in the process of being deduplicated.  You may notice duplicate works in your profile.  This will be resolved.  In the meantime, works can be hidden on public profiles by selecting the three dots on the right for more options, then selecting 'Hide this work'.