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Creighton Law Student Resources

Link and resource page for Creighton Law Students

Print Credits

Law students are allocated $20 for printing at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters. Additional print credits can be purchased when this amount is used up. The cost to print is 8 cents for black and white prints and 25 cents for color. Student stipends are reset at the end of the Fall and Summer semesters.

The $20 of print credits will print up to 250 pages if only printing black and white prints. (250 x .08 = $20)

Purchasing Print Credits
When you have used your provided print credits you can purchase additional prints online here. 

If you want to purchase prints with cash you can buy them at Card Services. At the proceeding link, you can find their hours and location.



The Canon printers are also capable of making photocopies and scanning. Photocopies are charged at the same rate as printing. Scanning is free. You can scan a document and send to your email at no cost. 

Student Printing Options

Student Printing Process

There are three different ways of printing to any of the Canon student print multifunction devices.

1.    Upload your document to be printed here: (When you are on campus you need to be connected to the secure wireless to print; CU Wireless is the secure wireless)


2.     You can send emails as attachments to (black and white) or (color).

NetId is your login. Use the same login and password as your email account 

3) You can install print drivers on your laptop to print directly from your laptop without uploading or emailng. To install the drivers on your personal laptop:


Printing Troubleshooting

The following are some troubleshooting tips if you are having problems printing to the student Canon printers. 

Using printing upload page:

You have to be on the secure wireless (CU Wireless) and not the guest wireless connection to access the printing upload site when you are on campus. When you access the secure wireless you will be asked for your NetId and password to access the wireless.


Printing using email

You can send emails as attachments to (black and white) or (color). The email must be from your Creighton email address. If the email is not from your Creighton address the printer will not connect the print job with your NetId and the print will never arrive.