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Creighton Law Student Resources

Link and resource page for Creighton Law Students

Wall Street Journal

The Creighton libraries have purchased a digital subscription to the WSJ for all students, faculty, and staff. The link above will take you to a registration page where you can create an account. (Provide your Creighton email when asked for an email)

The link below will take you to the Wall Street Journal website where you can use your account you created.  

NYT Group Pass

Creighton students can access the New York Times by using Pass, which gives you complimentary access to and NYT apps.
To create your NYTimes pass, go to the following address to register for an account: (use this link if you are on campus)

Use this link if you are off-campus and are registering. (Off-campus link)
To create your account, you will need to register on campus because the New York Times checks the university internet address to confirm the Creighton subscription. (If off-campus you can use the off-campus link above) Once you have registered for an account you will have a login and password that can be used to access the NYT on and off campus. The login also works with certain NYT apps. For example, the Android NYT app that can be downloaded from the Google Play store will accept your grouppass login and allow you to use that app.