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Clerkship/Clinical Rotation Resources

Digital resources to support learners on-the-go during clerkships/clinical rotations.

About the eBooks by Rotation

Please refer to the navigation tabs to view available eBooks based on your current -- or future -- rotation. We have worked closely with Student Success and your faculty to highlight the most popular resources they refer to.

Have additional suggestions to highlight and/or purchase? Let me know; this guide is for YOU and to connect you with resources where and when you need them.

Additional Specialties eBooks

Many of these series publish materials for more niche areas of these specialties. If you're interested, or would like reference material for clerkship/clinical rotation electives, we recommend browsing for eBook guides here:


Case Files Series from Lange Medical Books/McGraw-Hill

Secrets Series from Elsevier

  1. Using the link below, go to the University Libraries' ClinicalKey access. 
  2. On the ClinicalKey landing page, scroll down to the "Books" tile to browse the reference books.
  3. In the search field, enter "secret" or "secrets" to view the full Secrets series.

Report a Library Access Issue

Trouble accessing a digital library resource? Let our team know!

Use the following form to submit a ticket directly to the Libraries' Electronic Resource Management team. This page also includes a list of our premier resources and if we are experiencing any outages with our vendors. Assistance includes, but is not limited to:

  • Error messages accessing databases or eBooks
  • Obstacles to journal articles found in our library catalog, JaySearch
  • Broken pathways or links

Please don't hesitate to reach out to your liaison librarian, see the librarian profile box on this page, to connect via email or live chat.