Take these resources to on-the-go by scanning the QR Code to this guide:
"The gifts we treasure most over the years are often small and simple. In easy times and in tough times, what seems to matter most is the way we show those nearest us that we've been listening to their needs, to their joys, and to their challenges.'" -- Fred Rogers
The Cura Corner was devised from the desire to create a space to promote (in)formal resources and tools for well-being and mindfulness for our learners and overall campus community. Inspired by one of Creighton University’s values, cura personalis (Latin translated as "care for the individual person"), the Phoenix Health Sciences Librarian and the CARE Team have designated a “Cura Corner” to host a growing variety of materials and items that support and promote this concept as our community moves through their daily lives. In line with similar initiatives like Family Study Rooms or Relaxation Rooms, the Cura Corner occupies its own nook inside the Health Sciences Library, a natural hub for health information already located off of the main student socialization space, so that the community has semi-private access to loan or take in-a-pinch without experiencing any anxiety or shame. The Cura Corner currently hosts materials and collections pertaining to:
Our first-year OTD students hosted the Cura Corner to showcase sensory activities, public health info, and fun treats for the community with a different theme each week!
Don't forget to thank an OT for their creativity, generosity, and expertise!
This Help Someone form is rooted in Cura Personalis. It exists to share concerns about students attending Creighton’s Phoenix Health Sciences Campus.
This form may be used to request support or express concern for others or for yourself. To submit a request for support, report a concern, or report misconduct, please use the linked form below:
CARE stands for Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation. The goal of the CARE Team is to create a culture of care on the Phoenix campus where individuals in distress receive appropriate support in a timely manner. The CARE Team is comprised of representatives from each academic program along with supportive offices on campus.
The tragedy that occurred on the Virginia Tech campus in 2007 prompted a major shift in how Higher Education gathers and responds to concerning and/or threatening behavior. The Virginia Tech report indicated that while several people on campus were aware of concerning behaviors by the shooter, effective and coordinated intervention did not occur.
In hopes of avoiding future tragedies, many campuses formed and trained teams with varying names: BIT (Behavioral Intervention Team), BAT (Behavioral Assessment Team), or CARE (Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation) Teams are the most common. Depending on the size of the campus, these teams often include 6-12 standing members from several offices including: Student Conduct, Campus Police, Counseling, Legal, Residence Life, Disability Services, Title IX, Human Resources, Academic. Teams exist to identify direct members of the community (students, faculty, staff) who are exhibiting concerning behaviors or are experiencing difficult life circumstances. Interventions as well as supports are identified and implemented. These teams do not have any disciplinary authority. Threat assessment/risk assessment for potential violence may also occur. A case management approach often occurs.