Streaming video collections from Alexander Street Press in a range of disciplines in the arts, social sciences, science, and business.
An interactive anatomy learning platform which provides 3D human anatomy models, medical images, videos, course modules, quizzes, and more.
Students must fill out the Complete Anatomy Access Request Form in order to get full access to this resource. Faculty must request access by submitting a Troubleshooting ticket. Activation codes expire August 1st of each year; in order to get the new activation code each year, you must be a current student or faculty member and you must fill out the form/request access annually.
A collection of lectures and presentations by leading experts in the fields of biomedicine and life sciences, such as biochemistry, cancer, cell biology, diseases, disorders & treatments, drug discovery, genetics, immunology, methods, microbiology & virology, neurobiology, and pharmaceutical science.
Some resources offer mobile apps. App performance and user ratings may fluctuate with updates, sometimes you may want to use mobile websites in lieu of apps.
Be sure to have Microsoft Azure Multi-Factor Authentication set-up before proceeding. Also, please check your junk email folder when prompted to check for account verification links/codes.
Clinical Pharmacology Mobile Directions
Take it everywhere you go with Clinical Pharmacology Mobile — the fastest path to reliable drug information for the point-of-care and anywhere. This native mobile app for Apple and Android devices includes robust yet concise content and features that clinicians rely on most from Clinical Pharmacology powered by ClinicalKey® . Visit Google Play or Apple's App Store to download. See the PDF below for instructions.