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Open Access Publishing

Information on open access publishing, article processing charges (APCs), evaluation tools, levels of open access, and open access organizations.


Gold Open Access

A gold, open padlockGold Open Access refers to the most traditional format of open access, in which content is immediately and publicly available through the publisher's website. 

  • •  Readers can access Gold Open Access items without facing any fees or paywalls.
  • •  Most Open Access publishers subject works to the same level of scholarly review as traditionally published items (see Predatory Publishers for tips on identifying publishers that do not strive for the same standards).
  • •  Gold Open Access items are also discoverable through search engines and library catalogs, providing a broader reach.


Green Open Access

A green, open padlockGreen Open Access is content that is shared separate from traditional publishers, such as in an institutional or scholarly repository.

  • •  Items shared in the Creighton Digital Repository (CDR) are examples of Green Open Access content.
  • •  Authors can choose to deposit their published works in an institutional or scholarly repository.
    • ◦  For traditionally published items, the publishing contract will determine at what stage the publication can be shared at (pre-print, accepted version, final version, etc.). 


Hybrid Access

A gray and gold striped padlockHybrid Access refers to journals that have both open access content and traditional subscription-based content in the same publication.

  • •  Subscribers to the journal will still be able to access all of the content within a given issue.
  • •  Non-subscribers can access the selected articles within an issue which the authors have elected to publish as Open Access, not the entirety of the issue.


For more information, visit the University of North Texas Health Science Center's guide on Types of Open Access.