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Open Access Publishing

Information on open access publishing, article processing charges (APCs), evaluation tools, levels of open access, and open access organizations.

Predatory Publishing

What is predatory publishing?

Predatory publishing is a deceptive practice in the open access market where some publishers charge exorbitant open access fees to publish any article submitted with little to no formal review process. Editors for these publications are often unvetted, the publications do not meet the standards to be considered peer-reviewed, and articles published within have limited visibility and often have few to no citations after publication (Björk et al., 2020).

How do I tell if a publication is predatory?

Below are some tools to help you vet an open access publisher to ensure it's legitimate. Tools include Think. Check. Submit, the Directory of Open Access Journals, UlrichsWeb, and more. The former has a checklist to run through to evaluate a title, and the latter two are directories of recognized and vetted publications.


Björk, B. C., Kanto-Karvonen, S., & Harviainen, J. T. (2020). How frequently are articles in predatory open access journals cited. Publications, 8(2), 17. 

Assessing Publishers

Use the tools below to differentiate trustworthy from predatory publishers.