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The Best That You Can Do by Amina Gautier

In advance of Dr. Gautier's March event, we invite you to explore her other publications and learn more about her work.

About Amina Gautier

Amina Gautier

Scholar | Writer | Professor

Dr. Amina Gautier is a graduate of Stanford University, and the University of Pennsylvania. At Stanford, Gautier “co-termed” in English Literature i.e. simultaneously earned co-terminal bachelor and master’s degrees within four years’ time. At Penn, Gautier earned a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in English Literature. She held a Mellon Minority Undergraduate Fellow (now Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellow) at Stanford University, a Fontaine Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania, a Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship at Marquette University, and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Washington University in St. Louis.

In addition to her short story collections, Gautier has published a record number of acclaimed short stories that have been published and extensively reprinted across numerous publications.

Professor Gautier has taught at the University of Pennsylvania, Marquette University, Saint Joseph’s University,  Washington University in St. Louis,  DePaul University. She is currently faculty in the MFA program at the University of Miami.

Amina Gautier is a Brooklyn-born native New Yorker who currently divides her time between Chicago and Miami.

Visit Dr. Gautier's website for a full biography, publications, and awards information.

A Reading from "What the Tide Returns"

Amina Gautier as Author

Discover More at the Creighton University Libraries: Amina Gautier

Select Works

Gautier, A. (2006). African American women’s writings in the Woman’s Building Library. Information & Culture, 41(1), 55–81.

Gautier, A. (2007). Girl of wisdom. The Kenyon Review, 29(3), 116–122.

Gautier, A. (2010). IN THE EVENT OF EMERGENCY. The Iowa Review, 40(1), 196–203.

Gautier, A. (2011). On post-racial America in the age of Obama. Daedalus (Cambridge, Mass.), 140(1), 90–94.

Gautier, A. (2015). Lost and found. Prairie Schooner, 89(1), 144-.

Gautier, A. (2020). Slip. Mississippi Review, 47(3), 94–94.