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Models and Kits at Health Sciences Library - Phoenix

Anatomical models, skills trainers, & assessments available for the Phoenix campus community.

About Faculty Loan Requests

Assessment and training kits and anatomical models are primarily for individual study use rather than regular classroom use. Faculty loan requests for classroom use will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. To submit a request, please visit the Library (Suite 220) or send an email to the Phoenix librarian (Karina Kletscher) with the following information:

  • Program or department
  • Course and section
  • Requested model(s)
  • Date(s) of intended use

Please submit your request at least one week in advance of your intended use. You will receive an email once your request is approved. Requests are not guaranteed approval.

Any models and kits housed in the library may not be used in a space where there are (un)preserved specimens. They may not enter the Anatomy Lab.