An interactive anatomy learning platform which provides 3D human anatomy models, medical images, videos, course modules, quizzes, and more.
Students must fill out the Complete Anatomy Access Request Form in order to get full access to this resource. Faculty must request access by submitting a Troubleshooting ticket. Activation codes expire August 1st of each year; in order to get the new activation code each year, you must be a current student or faculty member and you must fill out the form/request access annually.
The library makes a collection of anatomical models and kits available to students, faculty, and staff. The collection includes models, such as models of the heart, brain, jaw, and joints, full artificial skeletons, and kits, such as the BOT (Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency) kit and PDMS (Peabody Developmental Motor Scales) kit. Items on both the Omaha and Phoenix campus can be checked for availability in JaySearch and can be picked up at each campus.