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Graphic Design and Film Subject Guide

Subject Guide for Graphic Design and Film, part of the Computer Science, Design, and Journalism Department


Welcome to the Graphic Design and Film research guide. The suggested resources in this guide are to help you complete your class assignments, as well as to provide additional information for course topics where you may be struggling or need further study. To access all library resources, go to the Creighton Libraries website

Please feel free to contact me by phone, email, or instant message with any questions or if you need additional information. My contact information and office hours are linked in the sidebar on this page and throughout the guide. 

Graphic Design and Film, part of the Computer Science, Design, and Journalism Department

The Graphic Design & Film major prepares students for the future with instruction in 3D design, motion graphics, and making documentaries as well traditional skills like graphic design and illustration, video and photojournalism.

Advanced courses such as interactive design, web design, and animation allow students to offer employers specialized skills. They can build their photo and video skills by working for our award-winning student newspaper, The Creightonian, and The Creightonian Online. Students also gain valuable experience by doing internships for a wide range of employers including businesses, nonprofits, news organizations, and PR and advertising agencies.