Call 211 for help, Thousands of caring, local experts are available to help, 24/7. Calls to 211 are confidential and can be anonymous. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designated 211 as the 3-digit number for information and referrals to social services and other assistance in 2000. The 211 service is provided by more than 200 local organizations that are committed to serving their communities. Many different kinds of organizations operate the 211 service, including United Ways, Goodwill, Community Action Partnerships, and local crisis centers.
Learn about virtual providers and organizations dedicated to improving BIPOC and LGBTQ mental health and saving lives, curated by Magellan Healthcare.
Maricopa County Department of Public Health created and its Spanish partner site to give Maricopa County residents an easy way to find health and social services for themselves. FindHelpPhoenix is divided into multiple categories of services. Users can look for medical services, legal help, and affordable housing, and many other services.
An open door to mental health care, around the clock. Walk-In Mental Health, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Visit the website for contact information and physical locations in the greater Phoenix area.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
Your care and support can make a huge difference in the life of a young child. Sesame Street is here for you with activities and tips for the challenges and joys along the way.
Partner Portal: Maricopa County, Arizona