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Library Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, & Anti-Racism (LIDEAA)

Curated resources for learning, understanding, and developing a posture of cultural humility


Librarians will continue to add links, books, films, and other resources to this guide to help connect our Creighton community with resources about the Black Lives Matter movement and the interplays of race, class, and policing in the United States.  This a "living document" and as such, it will change and grow.

All books are linked to their record in JaySearch. If an online version is not available or you see a gap in our collection, submit a request using the link in the "Suggest A Purchase" box below.

If you'd rather purchase your own copy, consider supporting a Black-owned independent bookstore near you.

Martin Luther King Jr. at Creighton



Author Information

This guide was a collaborative effort between Jeanne Burke, Christine Carmichael, Marcella Dial, and Marcey Gibson in the Creighton University Libraries, with thanks to David Buffington for the IDEA logo, and Rice University and Vanderbilt University for sharing their Black Lives Matter guides as starting templates. 

To add links or request more information, feel free to email us.

Suggest a Purchase for the Creighton University Libraries!

We welcome suggestions for purchase of library materials. Suggestions are reviewed by a subject librarian.  If we have available funding, can acquire the material, and it is appropriate for the library, we will happily to add it to the collection! 


This guide is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Adapted from Vanderbilt University Libraries.