The Reinert Library on the Creighton University Campus – Omaha maintains a collection of anatomical models for Creighton faculty, staff, and student use. To ensure that these materials remain in optimal condition, and are shared equitably among all user populations, the following guidelines are necessary. By checking out and using these materials, you agree to abide by these guidelines as well as the Student Handbook policies.
- All materials will be checked out from and returned to the Library.
- These materials are considered reserves and may be checked out for a 4-hour period.
- You must present a valid Creighton ID at the time of checkout.
- Materials must be returned in the condition they were checked out to you (e.g. no damage, all pieces included and put back together).
- You are responsible for the materials while they are in your possession. Do not leave it unattended.
- If any material is damaged or lost while in your possession, you will be responsible for the cost of repairs, not to exceed the replacement cost of the item. Replacement costs vary according to the type and model of hardware. We reserve the right to purchase an equal or similar model in case of discontinuation.