The legal forms available on Gale LegalForms include business, personal, litigation and federal forms. General Business Forms are forms, which may be used in all 50 states with little modification. General Litigation Forms are various litigation forms covering many diverse causes of action. These forms are easily modified by Attorneys to apply in their state. State Specific Forms are forms provided by Participating Attorneys, form companies, or forms specifically adapted to a particular state. Federal Forms are business and litigation forms used in the Federal system.
Nebraska Workers’ Compensation: various forms needed for filing Workers' Compensation.
Nebraska Court Master Forms List: The Master Forms List provides access to the forms currently available to the public and attorneys through the Administrative Office of the Courts. These forms are from Supreme Court rules, the Administrative Office of the Courts, the Self-Represented Litigation Committee and other organizations.
Nebraska Online Legal Self-Help Center: The forms and information found on this online self-help center are provided by the Nebraska Supreme Court’s Committee on Self-Represented Litigation as part of the Nebraska Supreme Court’s commitment to ensuring that all Nebraskans have meaningful and full access to the judicial system, including those Nebraskans who represent themselves.
Nebraska Secretary of State Business Services forms: The Business Services Division provides several important functions for the business community. Registrations are recorded for corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, trade names and trademarks. The division handles Uniform Commercial Code and other security interest records. The division also regulates notary public commissions and handles apostilles and authentications (documents going to other countries).
Nebraska Department of Revenue (Tax Forms): searchable list of forms provided by Nebraska Department of Revenue.
United States Courts Forms: Find a national federal court form. National court forms can be used in all federal courts. Each federal court maintains their own local court forms. Use the Federal Court Finder to find a federal court and their local court forms.
8th Circuit Court of appeals Forms: various forms provided by the 8th Circuit in PDF.
United States Bankruptcy Court: forms provided by the United States Courts related to bankruptcy.
United States District Court: local forms provided by United States District Court - District of Nebraska