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FY25 University Libraries' Collections

FY25 Collections Final Decisions

This past Fall semester, the University Libraries team invited all faculty to participate in our FY25 collections decision-making process. Through this process, we received and reviewed your feedback on a list of proposed discontinuations. In addition, we also welcomed recommendations for new resources to add to the collection.  We plan to continue this process annually moving forward to encourage faculty involvement in the Libraries' decision-making process.

After reviewing faculty feedback, the following will be cancelled starting July 1, 2024.

• eLS - Encyclopedia of Life Sciences

• JoVE (Journal of Visual Experiments)

• Readers' Guide Retrospective: 1890-1982 (H.W. Wilson)

• ReferenceUSA / Data Axle Reference Solutions

• All journals on the Resources Under Review page will be cancelled, EXCEPT for the following:

- Ancient Philosophy

- National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly

Thanks to faculty feedback, we will be continuing our subscriptions for the following. We encourage faculty to share these resources with their students and utilize them in their research and courses to be sure the library makes its investment worthwhile.

• Ancient Philosophy

• National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly

Thanks to faculty requests in the survey, we are also investigating the addition of several new resources for next year. The addition of new databases and journals is reliant on several factors, such as department need, access to similar content through the Libraries, availability of funds, etc.

Decision-Making Process

When considering resources for cancellation, data is collected to determine overall use and cost per use to investigate underutilized content or content that may be obtained more affordably through an alternate route. This data is a starting place for considering resources for discontinuation, to which input from liaison librarians and faculty is added.

Input for decision making

Collections Trends

The University Libraries review resources annually to maintain collections responsive to campus teaching and research needs while stewarding financial resources. Annual journal and database increases continue to outpace increases to the collections budget, driving cancellations of resources. Regarding the appearance of an increase in the library budget for 2022, that was due to the addition of the Phoenix campus library. The overall library budget included the funds to cover the cost of resources needed to support our new Phoenix library, but there was no overall increase to our existing budget.

Cumulative inflation for 2013-2023 with 2024 projections