A collection of lectures and presentations by leading experts in the fields of biomedicine and life sciences, such as biochemistry, cancer, cell biology, diseases, disorders & treatments, drug discovery, genetics, immunology, methods, microbiology & virology, neurobiology, and pharmaceutical science.
Also consider other Secrets series Q&A style books from ClinicalKey. From the ClinicalKey homepage go to Browse books and enter secrets in the filter by title search box.
Contains question banks that can be used to study for various medical, nursing, and dental board and licensing examinations. It is designed to help healthcare practitioners prepare for licensing and initial certification exams, maintenance of certification (MOC) requirements, and continuing professional education.
The library has access to question banks to review for USMLE and shelf exams from Board Vitals.
Shelf Exams:
Question banks for USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2, and USMLE Step 3
Also we have the complete package of exams for physicians, medical students, nurses, nursing students, nurse practitioners, dentistry students, pharmacy students, physician assistants, and more.
To access the exams: