Aspen Learning Library consists of digital study aids with full text search, note-taking, and highlighting capabilities, audio recordings, and video format learning experiences to enhance student understanding of difficult legal concepts. which may include study aids from Examples & Explanations, Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel CrunchTime, Glannon Guides, Inside Series, Friedman's Practice Series, and Casenote Legal Briefs.
Bloomberg Law integrates Bloomberg’s renowned news, company and financial data with exceptional primary and secondary legal research and business intelligence tools, delivering an advantage to legal professionals who handle the most complex legal matters.
Available on campus to all faculty and students. Off-campus access is restricted to registered Law faculty and students. Law faculty and students must use their Creighton email address to register.
CALI (Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction) is a consortium of law schools and law libraries that hosts and facilitates online, interactive lessons with a library of over 1200 interactive legal tutorials. Exercises are available for most law school courses. See a Reference Librarian for the access code.
Resources for tax and accounting research, including analysis, explanations, and primary sources.
Faculty and Students using Checkpoint Edge must register with their netid and blue password using this url: https:/
AudioCaseFiles offers downloadable MP3 files of court opinions as well as streaming trial video. Search by course or casebook to find audio material from 1L classes and 2L and 3L subjects. Available to Law School faculty, staff and students.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online covers the development of law in the British Empire between 1701 and 1800. Topics include acts, criminal and international law, appellants’ cases, and more.
The Foreign Law Guide provides information on sources of foreign law, including complete bibliographic citations to legislation, the existence of English translations whenever possible, indications of currentness of the legal materials listed, and selected references to secondary sources in English.
HeinOnline is an online database containing more than 270,000 titles of historical and government documents in a fully searchable, image-based format. HeinOnline bridges an important research gap by providing comprehensive coverage from the inception of more than 2,700 law-related periodicals. In addition, HeinOnline contains the entire Congressional Record, Federal Register, and Code of Federal Regulations, complete coverage of the U.S. Reports back to 1754, and entire databases dedicated to treaties, constitutions, case law, world trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations, U.S. Presidents, and much more.
The Nebraska judicial branch provides statewide searches for case information across all the trial courts in the state. Records come from the trial court case management system, known as JUSTICE.
See a Reference Librarian to be logged into Justice. Must be accessed at a Public computer in the Law Library.
Lexis+ for Law Students is a comprehensive database of legal materials from the United States and selected foreign countries and international organizations. A password is required for law students and faculty.
The LexisNexis Digital Library is a collection of hundreds of titles that you can access on your laptop, tablet, or e-reader (e.g. Kindle) powered by Overdrive. Law students, faculty, and staff need to use their NETID and Blue password to login.
The Making of Modern Law: Foreign, Comparative and International Law, 1600-1926, gives any library the kind of historical resources previously found only at the largest and oldest repositories and gives even the most extensive libraries online access to foreign and international legal literature . FCIL includes treatises and similar monographs, sourced from the collections of the Yale, George Washington University, and Columbia law libraries, in the following areas: International Law; Comparative Law; Foreign Law; Roman Law; Islamic Law; Jewish Law; and Ancient Law.
The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, as well as the newly-launched Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law. The two Encyclopedias can be searched and browsed together, or separately by using appropriate filters. Off Campus access available to Faculty, Staff and Students.
The legal forms available on Gale LegalForms include business, personal, litigation and federal forms. General Business Forms are forms, which may be used in all 50 states with little modification. General Litigation Forms are various litigation forms covering many diverse causes of action. These forms are easily modified by Attorneys to apply in their state. State Specific Forms are forms provided by Participating Attorneys, form companies, or forms specifically adapted to a particular state. Federal Forms are business and litigation forms used in the Federal system.
NebraskAccess is a portal to information discovery, courtesy of the Nebraska Library Commission. It includes access to premium research databases, available exclusively to Nebraska residents, as well as additional sources of information about Nebraska that anyone can use.
Supreme Court Insight is an online collection of full opinions from Supreme Court argued cases, including per curiam decisions. Includes dockets, petitions for writ of certiorari, petitioner and respondent briefs, joint appendices and amicus briefs. Transcripts of oral arguments dating back to 1955 are also included. Content associated with each case is compiled on a dynamic page organized to facilitate understanding of the judicial process, and is also retrievable on a document by document basis. Supreme Court Insight offers links from case-specific records to Legislative Insight and Regulatory Insight for entitled customers.
Tax Notes is a portfolio of publications offered by Tax Analysts. It provides comprehensive and impartial coverage of tax news, while its commentary contributes important voices to the discussion and understanding of tax policy.
Law Students only. For the initial sign-in Law students need to be within Creighton University’s IP range.
VitalLaw’s intuitive research platform gives you the depth you need for the actionable insights you want with solutions that enrich the entire legal process.
Register to be able to personalize your research at: Register. Students and Faculty must be on campus to register.
Comprehensive federal and state case law, real-time legislative updates and an advanced citator.
West Academic Study Aids offers easy online access to hundreds of study aids, treatises, and audio lectures to help you succeed in law school. Take notes, highlight and "mark up" your study aids. Create a list of "favorite" study aids for easy access.
Personalize your experience by creating a West Academic account. Creating a West Academic account allows you to annotate, save favorites, listen to audio lectures, download titles for offline access, and more.
1. Go to
2. Click ‘Create an Account’ in the upper right-hand corner and follow the prompts.
3. Once you create an account you will be automatically logged into West Academic
4. Verify your email address one of two ways:
i) If you are already logged in, click on your name in the upper right-hand corner and click My Account. Enter your school or work email address under “My School/Organization” Click “Check for Materials” and check your email for a verification link.
ii) The next time you log in you will be prompted to confirm your email. Enter your school email address and check your email for a verification link. Once you have verified your email address you can access all the content available in your subscription and you can log-in independently from your school’s network
Westlaw for Law Students is a comprehensive database of legal materials, both primary and secondary sources, from the United States and selected foreign countries and international organizations.